As Barry Salisbury puts it, “The pandemic has made it abundantly clear that we need to work together now to preserve the Middletown Valley.” So, thanks to hosts Art and Betsy Boyce, landowners curious about easements gathered in the Boyce’s beautiful barn August 31to learn from landowners already in easement programs. With Barry as MC, staff from MET, Frederick County, and Catoctin Land Trust shared information about their programs, too. Masks might hide smiles, but not the enthusiasm in the room for conserving land in the Valley.
Barry and her husband Tod have already done a lot for conservation in the Heart of Maryland. They’ve donated easements on several properties to Catoctin Land Trust and Maryland Environmental Trust, preserving over 700 acres. Now they are leading efforts to conserve land and promote trail networks in the Valley through the new Preserve the Middletown Valley initiative. They have taken the bold step of creating the Catoctin Watershed Preservation Fund at the Community Foundation of Frederick County, which, with your support, will grow to a revolving fund for conservation in the Valley. Learn more about Preserve the Middletown Valley.